About Me
Available Items for sale
Items I make
Product Sample Page
Items made for the Smithsonian Native American Museum Washington DC
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About Me
Contact Me

Many customers like to know about the artist and the products they buy. Here I will tell you a little about myself.

My Business Philosophy

The objective of my art and crafts is to provide a high quality product and reliable service for our customers. I hope you will enjoy visiting my web site and using my products as much as I enjoyed providing them for you.

The Artist

Hi! I am Michael Phillips. Also known as Kitfox. Here is where I get a chance to tell you a little about myself. I may talk about my families, interests, and what I do in my free time.
I am a registered California native Chumash indian. My hobbies are scuba diving and gathering raw materials for my crafts and teaching the Chumash culture to my children and others. All that I have been taught has been handed down to me, by family. I try to bring my passion for life to you through my art and crafts and this web site.

Pow Wow

My Products

This is where you can learn about my arts and crafts and its history. I have been interested in starting my own business for many years and excited to finally have reached that goal. Taking our business to the web makes the process even more exciting. Most of the item I create are gathered in the wild during the proper season. So this means I do not mass produce each item. I only create what I am able to gather during the four season.

My Shop

Artist at work.
